
Friday, March 31, 2017

Why we shouldn't hold animlas in captivity

Most people would agree why animals should not be held in captivity I will persuade you with many reasons why animals shouldn’t be held in captivity.

Firstly God created animals to live free because they are born free. How would you feel if you were locked in the cage and killed?
When animals live in the wild or the forest they live healthy happy and free.
Animals natural habitat is the forest not the zoo.
God created some animals to live in different places like polar bears live in Antarctica and camels live in the desert.

When animals are in the zoo people mock and tease the animals.
Sometimes people throw objects at the animal which can harm them and cause injuries. Animals can get really angry and upset that sometimes they can attack. How would you feel if people threw stuff at you?

Secondly although animals are kept in the zoo, they still get provided with unnatural food which contains chemicals. This can also affect the health of the animals and make them very sick. Natural food for the animals is beneficial for their bodies which keeps them healthy and strong. This natural food can only be found in their natural environment. When an animal from the zoo is released to the wild it will not be able to sustain itself because in the zoo it was provided with food.

Tigers are born to hunt but when they are held in captivity they get provided with meat which is not good for them. Tigers can get very lazy by lying around and eating too much. If a tiger gets released back into the wild they will die because they have lost the ability for hunting.

I think birds should not be held in captivity because they will lose the ability to hunt. When you see a bird in their natural habitat they are healthy happy and free. In the zoo birds get provided with food so that they don't have to fly to get their food which makes them lazy and they will lose the natural ability to hunt, fly and will soon die.

Thirdly can you imagine spending your entire life in a small space that isn’t big enough to do anything you enjoy doing, like playing with friends, exploring, or traveling? Instead of living freely with your family in your home, you’re stuck in an unfamiliar place, often alone or with other people you don’t know, while hundreds of loud people crowd around you and stare. Does that sound like fun? Of course not! But that’s what life is like for animals in zoos.

Because people love seeing baby animals at zoos, lots of zoos breed animals to make more babies, and, as a result, make lots of money. When babies grow up, they aren’t as popular. Zoos often trade or sell adult animals who aren’t making them as much money as when they were younger. Can you even imagine someone getting rid of you just because you weren’t a baby anymore?

Most people would agree that when you really think about it, zoos are basically just prisons that leave animals with no ways to defend themselves or escape dangerous situations.Other animals have died after eating rubbish that was thrown into their cages, and some animals have even been beaten or killed by people who stole them from their natural habitat

I hope I have provided you with many reasons as to why we shouldn’t hold animals in captivity. I trust that I have convinced you beyond doubt.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Words ending in "able"

Word patterns:
Words ending in “able”




Starting sentences with adjectives

1. Bright sunlight streamed into the room.

2. Anxious moments passed before he acted.

3. Carefully he pulled back the curtain to look out the window.

4. Awkward silence settled in the room.